From Nishiyama plateau at an altitude of 450m, you can enjoy nature of four seasons such as Bichu Lake and fresh green-colored leaves, sea of clouds, snow scene.
In addition, bungalow, accommodation and sports facilities of the campground, etc., children playground equipment in place, you can enjoy a highland resort.


Phone: 0866-45-3633
Address: 1314-1 Nishiyama Bichu-chou Takahashi city
Access: 70mins by car from Bichu Takahashi station
80mins by car from Okayama motorway/ Kayou IC
50mins by car Chugoku motorway/ Niimi IC
Parking lots: 42( Including the 2 Bus lot)
Fee: Camping: Adult 500yen Kids 250yen
Bungalow 4 people 7000yen 8 people 8000yen
Lodge Adult 3000-yen Kids 2000yen
Cottage 1,0000yen