Campsite in the middle Yatakayama of altitude 654m, also provides accommodation and large playground equipment facilities such as bungalows.
From top of the mountain the 360-degree panorama from the summit, the four seasons of the mountains and the other in the Seto Inland Sea, you can see the landscape of the magnificent sea of clouds is from autumn to winter.


Phone: 0866-48-2830
Address: 4301-1 Takayama Kawakami-chou Takahashi city
Access: 40mins by car from Takahashi Station
50mins by car from Okayama motorway/ Kayou IC
Opening hours: 8:30AM to 5PM
Parking lots: 185
Entrance fee: Camping (an overnight stay) 1000yen
Bungalow (an overnight stay) 3500yen -
Lodge 3300yen-
Holiday Home 1,4800yen
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