Equipped with bleachers of 480 seats, and the gymnastics field that can various indoor sports, gymnasium with a combative sports field and training that can be performed judo, kendo.
Experience facility of free climbing in the training room has also been set up.


Phone: 0866-21-0425
Address: 267-7 Kinji Ochiai chou Takahashi city
Access: 10mins walk from Takahashi Station
10mins by car from Okayama motorway/ Kayou IC
Opening hour: Weekday: 1PM to 9PM
Saturday: 9AM to 9PM
Sunday/Holiday 9Am to 5PM
Closing day: 28 December to 4 January
Parking Lots: 70
Fee: Gym 3000yen (when didn’t pay entrance fee
We have established the AED